MadVR Video Processor

The MadVR Envy is the new kid on the block, and everybody in the video world is talking about it. We’ve recently been involved in an installation and calibration of one, and thought it would be a great topic for discussion.

MadVR is a very sophisticated video processor, with its closest rival being Lumagen. Like the Trinnov audio processor (covered here), it is built on a PC platform.

The MadVR Envy enables you to enjoy the most dramatic yet highly accurate 4K HDR dynamic tone mapping, instant aspect ratio detection, subtitle management for scope screens, and non-linear stretch unlike anything you have ever seen. The Envy also offers unrivalled 4K upscaling, specialized sharpening and detail enhancement, 3D and 1D LUT calibration with unprecedented precision, and much more. The Envy is the first and only dedicated video processor to use machine learning algorithms with real-time video streams, taking your video quality to a whole new level. The Envy installs in minutes and is a joy to use.

Let us cover a few of its major features:

HDR Dynamic Tone Mapping

madVR Labs pioneered dynamic frame by frame HDR Dynamic Tone Mapping. Their patent-pending DTM 2.0 analyzes every frame in real-time to optimize every single pixel. That’s a half billion pixels per second at 4K60. Their proprietary Highlight Recovery, Contrast Recovery and Shadow Detail Recovery provide an image so stunning you will be addicted at first sight.

madVR Dynamic Tonemapping

Auto AR and Geometry Control

MadVR Envy detects every single aspect ratio (AR) and instantly adjusts the image to exactly fit your screen, regardless of its AR and the AR of the movie, even as it changes back and forth. Their unrivaled auto AR control finally rids you of those pesky black bars once and for all. The Envy Extreme also features advanced geometry correction, great for removing a-lens barrel distortion, fitting curved screens, advanced architectural installations, and much more.

Highly Accurate Calibrations

MadVR Envy enables incredibly accurate calibrations by supporting massive 256-point 3D Look Up Tables (LUT), and 4,096 point 1D LUTs, without any loss of measurement data and precision, unlike with other processors. This far exceeds the calibration capability of any projector on the market and translates to 16.7 million points of accuracy, compared to less than 5,000 points with others. MadVR Envy integrates with calibration products including ColourSpace, Calman, and more.

Non-Linear Stretch (NLS+)

Want to remove those pesky black bars on your 2.35 screen when watching 16:9 content? MadVR Envy’s NLS+ is the first non-linear stretch algorithm to combine horizontal expansion with vertical compression. This innovation (yet another madVR Labs industry first) “shares the load” for the stretch both horizontally and vertically, resulting in a more natural looking image than possible otherwise

16:9 content as displayed on a 2.37 screen
Same image and screen as shown above, with Non-Linear Stretch applied

With all these features, the MadVR is a no-brainer when you invest in an expensive projector because you will finally be able to enjoy HDR movies and shows at home like never before possible, just as the director intended.

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