Lighting Automation

Lighting automation is a broad term, encompassing everything from a one-room scene-control system to a whole house system controlling interior and exterior lighting.

It may be stand-alone, whole house, offer room and/or house control, and be tied into peripheral systems such as Smart Home Automation, Security and Home Theatre.

I’ll provide a few examples of Lighting Automation Integration:

  • When the alarm is triggered, all lights switch on automatically
  • Holiday mode to simulate home usage in the event that you’re away, which will deter burglars
  • When the doorbell rings, the lights which are on dims and brightens to notify you
  • When you pause your movie, lights dim up to a certain level
  • Together with other products such as light sensors and shades, it can manage the light level in any room

Having control of your lights affords many benefits:

  • Automatic lights on/off based off timers, light level sensors, or occupancy/vacancy sensors, which in turn saves energy
  • Conveniently grouping of lights into scenes such as All on/off, Away, Party, and Perimeter
  • Control and feedback from your smart device, anywhere in the world
  • Increases your home’s resale value

Seasonal sunup and sunset tracking is built into Lighting Automation solutions, ensuring that timers setup for perimeter and indoor lighting goes on exactly when required.

Manual control of a Lighting Automation solution can be done through traditional keypads and touch screens, as well as any smart device.

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